Health benefits of Amla Juice
Indian gooseberry, commonly known as Amla is a powerhouse of nutrients. There are many reason to use it and get benefits of amla juice. It is an amazing food that offers several health benefits. The healing and medicinal properties of Amla are innumerable as it is a good source of Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron Phosphorus, Vitamin B, Protein and Fibre.
Benefits of Amla Juice
Amla juice can be extracted from Indian Gooseberry or Amla. It can be taken as juice with some added water. Amla Juice provides many health benefits. It helps in maintaining cool mind and health body. Amla juice is very good source of Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Iron, Phosphorus, Folic acid, Carbohydrate and Calcium etc.. It improves immunity of body and prevents from cough & cold. It is also useful to high blood pressure person. Amla juice can also work as anti-ageing supplement and helps in giving you a crystal clear glowing skin. It has also a great quality of anti-oxidant. Amla Juice enhances eye sight and helps in minimising other issues of eyes.

Some Amla products you may like
- Jiva Ayurveda Amla Juice
- Dabur Amla Hair Oil
- Nirmal Organic and Natural Honey Amla Candy
- Khadi Mauri Herbals Amla and Bhringraj Herbal Shampoo
- Mamaearth Happy Heads Natural Protein Hair Shampoo
- KHADI Omorose Organic Amla Powder
Let us see some how Amla Juice is beneficial for different body parts
1. Amla for skin
- It is a natural blood purifier and intake of Amla juice helps in getting glow on your skin naturally. It helps in curing pimples, acne, blemishes, freckles.
- Mix plain Amla powder in water and apply it on your face for 20 minutes.
- You can use this regularly to fight various skin allergies and make your skin more healthy.
2. Immunity Booster
- Amla boosts your immune response as it is a good source of vitamin C and helps you avoid problems like common cold and cough.
- Regular consumption of Amla juice keeps you healthy as it helps in reducing cholesterol level. It is also great for eyesight, hair, heart as well as well as diabetes.
3. Hair care
Amla is believed to make hair healthy, thick, long and Shiny. Many of us try home remedies to stop hair loss and get healthy & strong hair. It is very popular as a natural hair care remedy among Indian households, beside this some of us also uses Neem oil due to its natural benefits. Amla is rich in vitamin C and surplus of Vitamin C helps in stopping premature greying. Its antioxidants stimulates hair growth and also provides relief from dry itchy scalp.
- While using Henna, you can mix Amla powder in it to get better results of conditioning.
- You can also apply Amla oil in your hair which is easily available in the market or you can also make it at your home in an easy way..
- Take 5 tbsp coconut oil and mix 1 tbsp Amla powder in a stainless steel Pan.
- Place the pan on the lowest heat setting and keep stirring it for 5 minutes .
- Allow the oil to cool and then strain the oil with the fine tea strainer and pour it into a sterilized glass jar.
- Now use the oil twice a week for healthy hair.
4. Amla for Eye
- Amla is also a rich source of vitamin A.
- Presence of high amount of Vitamin A helps in the maximum Benefits of Amla for eyes.
- It gives best cure if there is any kind of irritation or itchiness in the eyes.
- Significant health benefits of Amla for eyes is that it helps in improving eyesight.
- You can get maximum benefits with the regular use of Amla in any of your favourite form.
- However, the best form of consuming Amla for improving eyesight is to take one glass of Amla juice regularly in the morning which keeps your eyes healthy.

5. Amla Reduces Stress and Improves Mental Health
- Stress is the major reason that causes half of the health problems.
- Controlling stress can solve most of the health problems. Intake of Amla on a regular basis reduces the stress level.
- Amla proves to be effective in improving the memory power along with mental health as it contains high amount of vitamins and minerals.
- Mix some Amla extract with honey in a glass of water and drink it regularly for getting its benefits for the brain.
6. Amla juice for Weight Loss
- Increased Weight or obesity is the biggest concern of many persons.
- Everyone want to be a slim and fit. And to lose weight is the biggest challenge due to busy life.
- Amla juice is here for you with a solution.
- You can use it in your daily diet.
- You have to take 2-3 spoons of amla juice or if you have it in powder for then mix it in water properly to make it liquid.
- Drink this liquid form of Amla Juice on an empty stomach every day.
- It will surely help you in detoxing the body.
- Taking it with lukewarm water make it more effective.
Final Remarks
” Amla can bring all the good you need with its nutritional value but only if the intake is in right quantity”
So, now if anybody questions, Is Amla good for health?? Or concerned to know about Health Benefits of Amla, you have all the right information about Amla to share.
Never look back to any of the health problems by including this ingredient in your diet..
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